Friday, November 15, 2013

Life lessons

Friday mornings are secretly kind of special. Not special special, just different. I take the girls to school wearing my pajamas under my clothes, I'm unwashed, unkempt, me quoi!

Same last Friday when I bumped into the owner of the bar in my street. He invited me in and so I told him: "Well, you know, I'm unwashed, unkempt and wearing my pajamas still".

He offered me a coffee after offering me a beer.

We're talking when on the opposite side of the street a man walks by wearing a hat and sunglasses. Sunglasses on this early morning of this very grey day? Ok!

Maestro winks at him to come in. Other than the hat and sunglasses the guy is wearing a big smile. He introduces himself as Said, because that's what people prefer, because it makes him more beur (Arab). Giggle. His name is actually Saidhi and he's Congolese.

He talks and talks and sings and smiles. We talk, we laugh, we hit a beat... Then he stops, looks at me and says: "Look at yourself, no wonder"....

No wonder what?

"Look at how you're sitting there.” And he mirrors me as he’s talking… “You can hardly breathe like that. And as far as I know breathing is one of the essential things we must do in order to live. And to live well we need to let the energy flow, breath well".........


Where had I heard these words before? Posture, breathing, letting the energy flow through all of your body, not just to your upper legs and back. Feet positioned on the floor. Balance from head to toes...

I had let myself slip again. And I was feeling it...

Life lessons (or reminders) may come from perfect strangers and early in the morning. And in a bar while wearing your pajamas under your clothes! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

The loan!

It wasn’t an encounter per se, except maybe on a higher level.

I loaned money to a friendly acquaintance or an acquainted friend from my neighborhood bar. The fact that I don’t know where to classify him should tell you the relationship isn’t an established one. On the other hand the fact that we star in a video together might make you believe we are quite close. It might also show you the kind of guy he is. If he starts talking no one gets a word in, especially not tiny old me. Ha!

Ok, all of this started halfway through September. I handed him the money and we agreed on how and when he would pay me back. Two fixed dates; he’d get in touch with me, I’d come down and he’d pay me back.  Cool, right?

It’s not how things went. The first repayment date came and went without a word. Small neighborhood, I bumped into him the next day. He let me know that it would take an extra couple of days. He'd changed jobs and he wasn't paid yet.

“Sure, no problem.”

The next week I got a message telling me he'd be around later. Nothing happened.

A week later I bumped into him and Lola (you remember Lola), both drunk. It was a Friday afternoon and I was with my girls. I didn't feel like getting into it with him then and there. He promised again to contact me that same day, but I knew better then to believe anyone in that state. 

Then last week he walked by my apartment. I was sitting on my couch overseeing the street and saw him. As he looked up he saw me. Two minutes later I had another message “Salut, I’ll be coming by in a bit”.
Of course that didn’t happen. So the next day I sent him a message saying “You must really take me for a fool”. He immediately called me and said he’d see me that afternoon…

Again nothing happened, but I decided that I couldn't deal with it at this point. Too much going on as I was leaving to go to a retreat that night and honestly I wasn't feeling it yet.

I may have cursed that day. I felt used and taken for a fool. I wasn't sure how to deal with this. To what point was I supposed to stand up for myself and to what point should I just show grace.

The retreat made me not think of the situation at all and after coming back from the retreat I had actually kind of forgotten about it. Tons of work, a big cold, the kids, the house, the bills, the, the, the...

To my surprise I saw him again last night. And what I saw was not the same guy. His eyes were sad and worried, his head hanging down. He was skittish. He asked to speak with me, but not in front of the girls. We stepped aside and he grabbed my hands. He begged me to forgive him. He asked to have more time to pay me back. Then he begged some more. He looked pitiful. Where was the proud guy I knew?

He rambled on and on about what had happened and why he couldn’t pay me back. I tried to get my side of the story in, but I felt like whatever I had to say was not being heard. I felt like there was no way I could get through to him. I felt there was no point in continuing the conversation…

Then I suddenly felt peace and a force coming over me. I felt like I had grown as tall as he was standing before me, and that’s tall. I grabbed him by his upper arms and all the right words came out then and there: “Stop talking and listen, you can’t pay me back right now, that’s ok. Don’t worry about the money. It’s not the problem; the problem is you not being honest with me. Don’t you ever make me feel like a fool again. Pay me back whenever you can, but be honest with me in whatever you say.”

That’s where or ways parted. 

I may never get my money back. I don’t care. The money might be worth the lesson I learned about who I am and what I want to stand for in life. I may not have always lived along those lines myself, but from now on I want to be the person that when you honor me with the truth, even if it hurts me, I will honor you with grace!